The Bothered Owl

Alex and Sarah's crafty corner of cyberspace

Owl’s well that ends well (Sarah’s goodbyeeee) July 29, 2011

Filed under: Life — thebotheredowl @ 9:58 am

I’ve been putting off writing my farewell post for a week or so.

It’s weird, saying goodbye to life as a Bothered Owl. Doubly weird as I’ve just started my own Folksy shop as Undercover Owl. And painful saying goodbye to two people who’ve been part of our family for the last almost 6 years.

Anyway, here’s a brief look back at almost two years of Bothered Owlishness.



Our very first craft stand. This is October 2009. We were so incredibly nervous. It was in the basement of a pub in South East London over a Saturday and a Sunday and we had a lot of fun. I remember the high of our first sale: a Lego Halloween themed bracelet that we sold before the fair even opened.


Owly at Oscar's

When we first started, one of the first things I did was write a tutorial for making this little fellow. I was much more unfocussed about my sewing back then. It was all about just making stuff because I wanted to. I still have a hell of a lot of fun sewing but there’s more of a theme to what I do these days.

I used some beautiful Japanese fabrics I bought on ebay. I love the dragons and I have the wave print in several different colours. I use a couple of fat quarters as scarves.

This was the first sock pouch I ever made. It’s very different to the current incarnation. No flat bottom, no pockets, sewn by hand. It’s still my most used knitting bag because it fits in my change bag, even when my bag’s stuffed to the gunnel with nappies and clothes.

Not long after that we did some prizes for the Stitch London newsletter. Alex had just started making stitch markers

as well as jewellery and I figured I’d have a go at making some sock bags.

What could go wrong? It was worth a shot.

We ended upgoing to the first Knit Nation as a result.

Scott got some hilarious photos, like the genteel Wollmeise stampede.

And we did a raffle.

The Raffle Prize

IKnit Weekender and Fibre Flurry followed, with Alex and Scott taking on more and more of the front of house stuff as I got more and more pregant.

Alex discovered the wonders of Fimo cake:

and… well, I could go on and on but I’m going to stop this little trip down Amnesia Lane before I get all teary.

Suffice to say, the last almost-2-years have been an absolute blast. I’ve worked harder at this than at anything other than being a parent. I’ve slept a frighteningly small amount, cut up enough fabric to cover London, made more bags, needle rolls and envelopes than I thought humanly possible, laughed my arse off at ridiculous things, met some amazingly wonderful people, some of whom I am lucky enough to call my friends, and generally just had a wonderful time.

Thank you so much to everyone who has come to see us at a show, purchased something from us on the internet, chatted to us on Twitter or read this blog. It’s been a fun ride, being a Bothered Owl and thank you all for being a part of it.

And a huge more than thank you to Alex and Scott. For being amazing business partners. For all their hard work on the Bothered Owl, especially over the last few months as I’ve been less able to help with things.

And most of all for being two of the best friends I have ever had. I will miss you guys more than I can say and I wish you every happiness as you head off on your big trip and start the next part of your lives together. I look forward to seeing you guys have massive success withThe Quizzical Owl.

It’s been so much fun, guys.

Over and out


PS Should you care to follow the continuuing adventures of the owlettes and I, we’re blogging over at Undercover Owl